Can NiMH Batteries Be Left in Their Charger for Weeks or Months?

Many people are unsure about the best practices for storing NiMH batteries in their charger for extended periods. In this article, we will explore whether leaving NiMH batteries in their charger for weeks or months can damage them or waste power.

Can NiMH batteries be left in their charger for extended periods?

NiMH batteries can be safely left in their charger for extended periods without causing any significant damage or waste of power. Unlike older battery technologies like NiCd (Nickel-Cadmium) batteries, NiMH batteries do not suffer from the memory effect, which is the loss of battery capacity when recharged before being fully discharged. This means that NiMH batteries can be charged at any time, regardless of their current charge level.

The benefits of leaving NiMH batteries in their charger

Leaving NiMH batteries in their charger for weeks or months until needed can actually have some benefits. One of the main advantages is the convenience of always having fully charged batteries ready to use. This is particularly useful for devices that require frequent battery changes or for emergency situations when a reliable power source is needed.

Additionally, most modern chargers are designed to automatically switch to a maintenance or trickle charge mode once the batteries are fully charged. This ensures that the batteries remain at their optimal charge level without overcharging or causing any damage. It also minimizes power consumption during storage.

How long can NiMH batteries be left in their charger?

NiMH batteries can be safely left in their charger for weeks or even months without any adverse effects. The self-discharge rate of NiMH batteries is relatively low compared to other rechargeable battery technologies. This means that they can retain their charge for extended periods, making them ideal for storage.

However, it is important to note that over time, even without use, NiMH batteries will slowly self-discharge. The rate of self-discharge varies depending on the battery brand and capacity but typically ranges from 10% to 30% per month. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically check the charge level of stored batteries and recharge them if necessary to maintain their optimal performance.

Tips for storing NiMH batteries in their charger

While NiMH batteries can be left in their charger for extended periods, there are a few tips to keep in mind for optimal storage:

  1. Ensure the charger is suitable – Use a charger specifically designed for NiMH batteries. Avoid using chargers intended for other battery chemistries as they may not provide the appropriate charging profile for NiMH batteries.
  2. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations – Consult the user manual or guidelines provided by the battery manufacturer for specific storage instructions. Different battery brands may have slightly different recommendations.
  3. Store in a cool, dry place – Excessive heat and humidity can negatively affect the performance and lifespan of NiMH batteries. Store them in a cool, dry environment away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
  4. Avoid storing fully discharged batteries – If NiMH batteries are stored for an extended period, it is advisable to store them with a partial charge rather than fully discharged. This helps prevent deep discharge and potential damage to the batteries.
  5. Regularly check the charge level – Periodically check the charge level of stored batteries and recharge them if necessary to maintain their optimal performance. This is especially important if you plan to use the batteries after an extended storage period.


Q1: Can leaving NiMH batteries in the charger overcharge them?

A: No, most modern chargers are designed to automatically switch to a maintenance or trickle charge mode once the batteries are fully charged. This prevents overcharging and ensures the batteries remain at their optimal charge level.

Q2: Is it safe to leave NiMH batteries in the charger overnight?

A: Yes, leaving NiMH batteries in the charger overnight is generally safe. However, it is always a good practice to use chargers with built-in safety features and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for optimal charging and storage.

Q3: Can leaving NiMH batteries in the charger for too long reduce their overall lifespan?

A: Leaving NiMH batteries in the charger for an extended period will not significantly reduce their overall lifespan. However, it is recommended to periodically check the charge level of stored batteries and recharge them if necessary to maintain their optimal performance.

Q4: Can NiMH batteries leak or corrode if left in the charger for too long?

A: NiMH batteries are generally safe and do not have a high risk of leaking or corroding when left in the charger for extended periods. However, it is always advisable to use quality batteries and chargers to minimize any potential risks.

Q5: Can leaving NiMH batteries in the charger for too long cause them to overheat?

A: Modern chargers are designed with safety features to prevent overheating. As long as you use a charger suitable for NiMH batteries and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, leaving them in the charger for extended periods should not cause overheating.

Q: How often should I check the charge level of stored NiMH batteries?

A: It is recommended to periodically check the charge level of stored NiMH batteries, especially if they have been stored for a few months. This allows you to ensure they are at an optimal charge level and ready for use when needed.


In conclusion, NiMH batteries can be safely left in their charger for weeks or months until needed without causing any significant damage or waste of power. They do not suffer from memory effects and can be charged at any time. However, it is important to periodically check the charge level of stored batteries and recharge NiMH batteries if necessary to maintain their optimal performance. By following the manufacturer’s guidelines and practicing proper storage techniques, you can ensure that your NiMH batteries are always ready to power your devices when needed.

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