How to Revive Dead NIMH Rechargeable Batteries: Pro Guide

Over time, the NiMH Rechargeable batteries may lose their capacity to hold a charge, rendering them seemingly dead. But fear not, as this article will guide you through the process of reviving dead NiMH rechargeable batteries. Let’s explore the steps you can take to bring new life to your batteries and save money in the process.

1. Understanding NiMH Rechargeable Batteries

What are NiMH Rechargeable Batteries?

NiMH rechargeable batteries are a type of battery that utilizes nickel metal hydride as the positive electrode and hydrogen-absorbing alloy as the negative electrode. They are commonly used in electronic devices due to their high energy density and ability to be recharged multiple times.

Advantages and Disadvantages of NiMH Batteries

NiMH batteries offer several advantages, such as a higher energy capacity compared to traditional alkaline batteries, lower environmental impact, and the ability to be recharged many times. However, they also have some limitations, including self-discharge over time and a slight memory effect.

2. Signs of a Dead NiMH Battery

Diminished Battery Life

One of the first signs that a NiMH battery is approaching the end of its life is a significant decrease in battery life. If you notice that your rechargeable batteries no longer last as long as they used to, it might be an indication that they are dying.

Failure to Hold a Charge

Another common sign of a dead NiMH battery is the inability to hold a charge. Even after charging the battery fully, it quickly drains or fails to power your device. This is a clear indication that the battery needs attention.

3. Precautions before Reviving Dead Batteries

Safety First: Handling Batteries Properly

Before attempting to revive a dead NiMH battery, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Wear protective gloves and eye goggles to prevent any potential accidents. Additionally, ensure that you are working in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any harmful fumes.

Checking for Physical Damage

Inspect the battery for any physical damage, such as leaks or swelling. If you notice any abnormalities, it is best not to proceed with the revival process. Damaged batteries should be disposed of properly to prevent any safety hazards.

4. Reviving Dead NiMH Batteries

Step 1: Discharging the Battery Completely

To revive a dead NiMH battery, start by discharging it completely. Use a device that can safely drain the battery’s remaining charge. This process resets the battery’s memory and prepares it for the revival process.

Step 2: Refrigerating the Battery

After discharging the battery, place it in a sealable plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for approximately 24 hours. The low temperature helps break down any crystalline formations that may have occurred inside the battery, improving its performance.

Step 3: Performing a Slow Charge

Once the battery has spent sufficient time in the refrigerator, remove it and allow it to reach room temperature naturally. Then, connect it to a slow charger specifically designed for NiMH batteries. Avoid using fast chargers, as they may damage the battery.

Step 4: Cycling the Battery

After completing a slow charge, it’s recommended to cycle the battery. This involves fully charging and fully discharging the battery multiple times to improve its overall performance and maximize its capacity.

5. Maintenance Tips to Extend Battery Life

To prolong the lifespan of your NiMH batteries, consider following these maintenance tips:

Regular Use and Recharging

NiMH batteries benefit from regular use and recharging. Keep them active by using them regularly and avoid leaving them unused for extended periods.

Storing Batteries Properly

When storing NiMH batteries, ensure they are in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposing them to high temperatures or direct sunlight, as it can degrade their performance and lifespan.

Avoiding Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can negatively impact battery performance. Avoid exposing your batteries to temperatures outside their recommended operating range.


Reviving dead NiMH rechargeable batteries is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to extend their lifespan. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can potentially breathe new life into your seemingly dead batteries. Remember to prioritize safety, discharge the battery completely, refrigerate it, perform a slow charge, and cycle the battery for the best results. Additionally, implementing proper maintenance techniques can help prolong the overall life of your NiMH batteries. By following these guidelines, you can save money, reduce waste, and ensure a reliable power source for your portable devices.


Q1: Can all NiMH batteries be revived?

Not all NiMH batteries can be revived. The success of reviving a dead battery depends on several factors, including the extent of damage and the battery’s overall condition. Revival methods may not work for severely damaged batteries.

Q2: How long does it take to revive a dead NiMH battery?

The revival process for a dead NiMH battery can vary depending on the battery’s condition and the chosen revival method. It may take several cycles of discharging and recharging over a few days to see improvements.

Q3: Can I use a fast charger to revive a dead battery?

Using a fast charger to revive a dead NiMH battery is not recommended. Fast charging can generate excess heat, potentially damaging the battery and reducing its overall lifespan.

Q4: Is it safe to keep a revived battery in my device?

If you have successfully revived a NiMH battery, it should be safe to use in your device. However, it is always advisable to monitor the battery’s performance and condition to ensure its reliability.

Q5: When should I consider replacing a NiMH battery?

If despite your best efforts, a NiMH battery fails to hold a charge or its performance remains consistently poor, it may be time to consider replacing it with a new battery for optimal performance.