How to String Together NiMH Rechargeable Batteries? Guide

Stringing together NiMH rechargeable batteries allows you to combine their capacities to increase overall power output. In this article, we will guide you through the process of stringing together NiMH rechargeable batteries effectively.

Considerations when Stringing Batteries Together

Before stringing together NiMH rechargeable batteries, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Voltage: Ensure that the batteries you plan to connect have the same voltage rating. Mixing batteries with different voltages can lead to uneven charging and potential damage to the batteries or connected devices.
  • Capacity: It is best to use batteries with similar capacities to ensure optimal performance. Mixing batteries with significantly different capacities can result in reduced overall capacity and shorter battery life.
  • Charging: When charging a string of batteries, it is essential to use a charger specifically designed for NiMH batteries. This will ensure safe and efficient charging without the risk of overcharging or damaging the batteries.

Tools and Materials Required

To string together NiMH rechargeable batteries, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • NiMH rechargeable batteries (with matching voltage and similar capacities)
  • Battery holder or battery pack
  • Insulating tape or heat shrink tubing
  • Wire strippers
  • Soldering iron and solder (optional, depending on the connection method)
  • Charger compatible with NiMH batteries

Step-by-Step Guide to Stringing Together NiMH Batteries

Step 1: Check Battery Compatibility

Before starting the battery stringing process, ensure that the batteries you plan to connect have the same voltage rating and similar capacities. This will help maintain a balanced power output and prevent potential damage to the batteries or connected devices.

Step 2: Prepare the Batteries

Ensure that all batteries are fully charged before proceeding. This will ensure optimal performance and prevent any discrepancies in power levels.

Step 3: Determine the Series or Parallel Connection

Decide whether you want to connect the batteries in series or parallel, depending on your power requirements.

  • Series Connection: Connecting batteries in series involves connecting the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the next battery. This increases the total voltage of the battery string while maintaining the overall capacity.
  • Parallel Connection: Connecting batteries in parallel involves connecting the positive terminals together and the negative terminals together. This increases the total capacity of the battery string while maintaining the overall voltage.

Step 4: Connect the Batteries

Connect the batteries according to the chosen connection method. Ensure proper alignment of the positive and negative terminals to avoid any short circuits.

Step 5: Insulate the Connections

Once the batteries are connected, use insulating tape or heat shrink tubing to cover and secure the connections. This will prevent accidental short circuits and ensure the safety of the battery string. Insulating tape or heat shrink tubing provides a protective barrier around the connections, preventing them from coming into contact with any conductive materials or surfaces. This insulation is crucial in avoiding short circuits, which can lead to overheating, damage to the batteries, or even fire hazards.

Step 6: Test the Battery String

After securing the connections and insulating them, it’s important to test the battery string before using it in any device. Use a multimeter or battery tester to measure the voltage and ensure that it matches your desired output. Additionally, check for any signs of overheating or unusual behavior during the testing process. If any issues are detected, double-check the connections and consult the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Safety Precautions

When stringing together NiMH rechargeable batteries, it’s crucial to follow these safety precautions:

  1. Use the correct charger: Ensure that the charger you use is designed specifically for NiMH batteries. Using the wrong charger can lead to overcharging, overheating, and potential battery damage.
  2. Avoid mixing battery types: Stick to using the same brand, type, and capacity of NiMH batteries to maintain consistency and avoid potential issues.
  3. Check for compatibility: Verify that the batteries you intend to connect have the same voltage rating and similar capacities.
  4. Proper insulation: Insulate the connections properly using insulating tape or heat shrink tubing to prevent short circuits and ensure safety.
  5. Avoid overcharging: Do not leave the battery string connected to the charger for an extended period. Overcharging can reduce battery life and pose a safety risk.

Tips for Optimal Performance

To maximize the performance and lifespan of your stringed NiMH rechargeable batteries, consider the following tips:

  1. Proper storage: Store the batteries in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
  2. Regular usage: Use the battery string regularly to prevent self-discharge and maintain optimal performance.
  3. Charge fully: Ensure that the batteries are fully charged before each use to achieve maximum capacity and longevity.
  4. Avoid deep discharging: Try to avoid fully discharging the battery string, as NiMH batteries can suffer from reduced capacity if repeatedly discharged below a certain level.
  5. Replace as needed: If you notice a significant decrease in performance or capacity, it may be time to replace the batteries in the string.


Stringing together NiMH rechargeable batteries is an effective way to increase overall power output while utilizing their cost-effectiveness and eco-friendly benefits. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to safety precautions, you can create a battery string that suits your specific needs. Remember to consider compatibility, connection methods, insulation, and proper testing before using the battery string in any device.


  1. Can I mix different brands of NiMH batteries in a battery string? It is generally recommended to use batteries of the same brand, type, and capacity to ensure compatibility and optimal performance. Mixing different brands may result in uneven charging or discharge rates.
  2. What is the difference between a series and parallel connection? In a series connection, the batteries are connected positive to negative, increasing the total voltage. In a parallel connection, the batteries are connected positive to positive and negative to negative, increasing the total capacity.
  3. Can I use NiMH rechargeable batteries in devices that originally used non-rechargeable batteries? Yes, as long as the voltage and size are compatible, NiMH rechargeable batteries can be used as a replacement for non-rechargeable batteries. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  4. What is the average lifespan of NiMH rechargeable batteries? The average lifespan of NiMH rechargeable batteries can vary depending on usage, charging habits, and overall maintenance. With proper care, they can last for several years.
  5. Can I charge a battery string of NiMH rechargeable batteries with a standard charger? It is recommended to use a charger specifically designed for NiMH batteries. Standard chargers may not provide the optimal charging parameters for NiMH batteries, which can affect performance and longevity.